Details of, and papers associated with, all committee meetings and working group meetings will be published here.

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 11th November 2024 Paper A

4. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) Update - Verbal

5. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B

6. Code of Transparency Project Update Paper C

7. Fit for the Future: next steps post consultation - Verbal 

8. Responsible Investment Advisory Group (RIAG) Report Paper D

9. Legal advice on fiduciary duty Paper E

10. Committee Workplan Paper F 

11. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1:00pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1.Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 28th October meeting – Paper A

4. LGPC Update – Paper B

5. Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) update

6. 2025 fund valuations and section 13

7. Update from Gender Pensions Gap working group – Paper C, Annexes A and B

8. Update on Pensions Review – Phase Two

9. New Fair Deal and the Two-Tier Code

10. Normal Minimum Pension Age

11. Committee Workplan – Paper D

12. Local Government Reorganisation

13. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Hybrid meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 21st October 2024 Paper A

4.Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) update 

5. Good Governance and Administration Working Group update Paper B

6. Peer Support Offer Paper C and Annex A

7. Audit Update Paper D

8. Knowledge and Skills Paper E

9. Scheme annual report and annual report guidance update

10. Workplan Update Paper F

11. AOB (New CRC Chair) and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 8th July 2024 Paper A

4. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B

5. Code of Transparency Project Update Paper C - CONFIDENTIAL, circulated via email

6. Update on Pensions Review and post Budget discussion Paper D

7. RIAG Report Paper E

8. Update of Fiduciary Duty Advice Paper F

9. Funding Strategy Statement Guidance Paper G, Annexes A and B circulated via email

10. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1:00pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 1st July 2024 meeting - Paper A

4. Update on McCloud and Pensions Dashboards

5. Update from Gender Pensions Gap working group - Paper B, (Annex A circulated via email)

6. Opt out survey update

7. Update on Pensions Review - Paper C

8. New Fair Deal

9. Normal Minimum Pension Age

10. Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) update

11. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Hybrid meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 24th June 2024 Paper A

4.Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) update 

5. Work plan update Paper B

6. Funding Strategy Statement guidance Paper C, (ANNEX A via email)

7. Knowledge and Skills working group update Paper D

8. Good Governance working group update Paper E

9. Audit update Paper F

10. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 26th February 2024 Paper A

4. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B

5. Code of Transparency Project Update Paper C - CONFIDENTIAL, circulated via email

6. RIAG Report Paper D

7. Update on recent engagement activity Paper E

8. Post Election Planning

9. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 12:30pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3.Actions and Agreements from 19th February 2024 meeting - Paper A

4.Update on McCloud and Pensions Dashboards

5. Update from Gender Pensions Gap working group - Paper B

6. Opt out survey and forms- Paper C

7. Normal Minimum Pension Age - Paper D

8. Update on recent engagement activity - Paper E

9. Administration data collection discussion

10. Post–Election Planning

11. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Hybrid meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 12th February 2024 Paper A

4. Development of Funding Strategy Statement guidance Paper B

5.The Pension’s Regulator General Code Paper C

6. Peer support offer – scoping discussion Paper D

7. Audit Roundtable – update and next steps Paper E

8. Knowledge and Skills working group

9. Workplan update Paper F

10. Post Election Planning

11. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 20 November 2023 Paper A

4. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B

5.Code of Transparency Project Update Paper C (CONFIDENTIAL - circulated via email)

6. Update on Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill - aka Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) Bill

7. RI Cross-Pool update

8. Sharia Law and the LGPS Paper D (CONFIDENTIAL - circulated by email)

9. Investment Strategy Statement review discussion

10. Pooling guidance discussion

11. Updated terms of reference Paper E

12. DLUHC Update

13. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1:00pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 30th October 2023 meeting - Paper A

4. Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) aka BDS Bill - verbal update

5. McCloud Update

6.Update from Gender Pensions Gap working group

7. Update from Surpluses working group - Paper B

8. GAD Update on LGPS data for CCM valuation - Paper C (CONFIDENTIAL)

9. Opt Outs update - Paper D

10. Suggested changes to Committee Terms of Reference - Paper E

11. DLUHC Update

12. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 3 July 2023 Paper A

4. Sharia Compliance Update (presentation from Mufti Faraz Adam)

5. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B

6. Provision of Code of Transparency Online Compliance System Paper C (CONFIDENTIAL - circulated via email)

7. Update on Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill - aka Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) Bill

8. Climate Risk Reporting

9. Private Equity Lobbying

>10. Updated terms of reference Paper D

11. Committee workplan Paper E (CONFIDENTIAL – circulated via email)

12. RIAG Report

13. DLUHC Update

14. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1:00pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 26th June 2023 meeting - Paper A

4. McCloud Update

5. Update on Gender Pensions Gap working group - Paper B

6. Update on Surpluses working group - Paper C

7. GAD Update on LGPS data for CCM valuation - Paper D (CONFIDENTIAL - circulated via email)

8. GAD advice on Scheme Cost Assessment Assumptions - Paper E

9. Opt Outs data and survey - Paper F

10. Commitee Workplan - Paper G

11.Updated terms of reference - Paper H

12. DLUHC Update

13. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Hybrid meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 19th June 2023 Paper A

4. Process for producing statutory guidance

5.Annual Reporting guidance update Paper B

6. Knowledge & Skills Survey of pension committees and boards Paper C

7.Good Governance

8.ICAEW Report on audit Paper D - CONFIDENTIAL, circulated via email

9.Update from recent LGA meeting with TPR

10. Update of workplan and workstreams Paper E

11. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 15th May 2023 Paper A

4. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B

5. Code of Transparency Training and Awareness Programme

6. Provision of Code of Transparency Online Compliance System - Paper C (CONFIDENTIAL - circulated via email)

7. Sharia Compliance Update

8. RIAG Report Paper D

9. DLUHC Update

10. Meeting frequency

11. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1:00pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 24th April 2023 meeting - Paper A

4. McCloud Update

5. Update on Factor review

6. TPR General Code

7. HMT Cost Control Mechanism and draft directions - Papers B and C (CONFIDENTIAL - circulated via email)

8. SAB Scheme Cost Assessment process

9. Scheme Level Annual Report and Valuation Report

10. Academies Guarantee and ESFA Forum

11.Gender Pensions Gap - Paper D (CONFIDENTIAL - circulated via email)

12. Opt Out Rates Update

13. DLUHC Update

14. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Combined Agenda and Papers

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Hybrid meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 17th April 2023 Paper A

4. SAB Update

5.Workstream Updates: Funding Strategy Statement Guidance; Annual Report Guidance; Audit Issues; Knowledge & Skills Framework; Review of Guidance on Administration, Communications and Governance Paper B

6. Knowledge and Skills Survey Summary Paper C (CONFIDENTIAL, sent via email)

7. Committee Workplan Paper D

8. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 6th February 2023 Paper A

4. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B

5. Code of Transparency Training and Awareness Programme Paper C

6. Sharia Compliance Report Paper D

7. RIAG Report Paper E

8. DLUHC Update

9. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1:00pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 30th January 2023 meeting - Paper A

4. McCloud Update

5. Pensions Dashboard

6. Update on Cost Control Mechanism and SCAPE/Factor review

7. Proposed amendment of SAB Scheme Cost Assessment process by DLUHC

8. Production of Scheme Level Annual Report and Valuation Report

9. Section 13 Update

10. Academies Working Group Update

11.Gender Pensions Gap Update

12. Opt Out Rates Update

13. DLUHC Update

14. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Hybrid meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 23rd January 2023 Paper A

4. SAB Update

5. Committee Workplan Paper B; Paper C

6. Funding Strategy Statement Guidance

7. Annual Report Guidance

8. Audit Issues

9. Knowledge & Skills Framework

10. Review Guidance on Administration, Communications and Governance

11. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 28th November 2022 Paper A

4. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B (Confidential, sent via email)

5. Code of Transparency AUM Update

6. Code of Transparency Next Steps Paper C (Confidential, sent via email)

7. Climate Risk Reporting Readiness Survey Analysis Paper D (Confidential, sent via email)

8. Sharia Compliance Report Paper E (Confidential, sent via email)

9. DLUHC Update

10. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1:00pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 21st November 2022 meeting - Paper A

4. McCloud Update

5. Update on Cost Control Mechanism and SCAPE

6. Proposed amendment of SAB Scheme Cost Assessment process by DLUHC - verbal update

7. Scheme Level Valuation Report – verbal update

8. Section 13 and Academies Working Group – verbal update

9.Gender Pensions Gap - Paper B - CONFIDENTIAL, circulated by email

10. Opt Out Rates - Paper C - CONFIDENTIAL, circulated by email

11. DLUHC Update

12. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 14th November 2022 Paper A

4. Committee Workplan Paper B

5. Funding Strategy Statement Guidance

6. Annual Report Guidance

7. Separation of Pension Fund Audit

8. Knowledge & Skills Framework

9. Communication of Pension Fund Accounting

10. Review Guidance on Administration, Communications and Governance

11. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 26th September 2022 Paper A

4. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B (Confidential sent by email)

5. Code of Transparency Next Steps Paper C (Confidential sent by email)

6. RIAG Report Paper D

7. DLUHC update

8. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 12:30pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 12th September 2022 meeting - Paper A

4. McCloud Update

5. Scheme Level Assumptions for Cost Control Mechanism - GAD Papers 1 &2 - CONFIDENTIAL, circulated by email

6. Section 13 and Academies Working Group

7. Gender Pensions Gap - Paper B - CONFIDENTIAL, circulated by email

8. SAB Assumptions for standardised valuation assessment - GAD Paper 3

9. DLUHC Update

10. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 5th September 2022 Paper A

4. Committee Workplan Paper B

5. Funding Strategy Statement Guidance

6. Annual Report Guidance

7. Separation of Pension Fund Audit

8. Knowledge & Skills Framework

9. Communication of Pension Fund Accounting

10. Review Guidance on Administration, Communications and Governance

11. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 23rd May 2022 Paper A

4. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B (Confidential sent by email)

5. Code of Transparency Next Steps Paper C (Confidential sent by email)

6. RIAG Chair’s Report

7. DLUHC Regulatory update

8. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 12:30pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 16th May 2022 meeting - Paper A

4. DLUHC Update

5. Exit Cap and McCloud Update

6. 2020 Cost Management Mechanism - Paper B

7. 2019 Section 13 Report - Paper C

8. Gender Pensions Gap - Paper D

9. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 12:30pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 27th June 2022 Paper A

4. Committee Workplan Paper B

5. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 12pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 9th May 2022 Paper A

4. Committee Workplan Paper B

5. Draft Letter to the Minister on external audit Paper C

6. Working with CIPFA

7. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 21st February 2022 Paper A

4. Queen’s Speech Update

5. SAB Forward Look Update

6. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper B (Confidential sent by email)

7. Michael Lynk Letter Update Paper C

8. RIAG Chair’s Report Paper D

9. DLUHC Regulatory update

10. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 14th February 2022 meeting - Paper A

4. Exit Cap and McCloud Update

5. SAB Forward Look Update

6. Ministerial Meeting Update

7. SAB Annual Report Update

8.Death Grant Entitlement

9. DLUHC Regulatory Update

10. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 12:30pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 7th April 2022 Paper A

4. Working with CIPFA

5.Committee Workplan Paper B

6. Working and Reporting Relationships

7. External Audit

7. SAB Forward Look Update

7. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 4pm

The meeting will take place at 11.00am via video conference call. The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 22nd November Paper A

4. Levelling Up White Paper Paper B

5. New Compliance and Reporting Committee Update

6. Sharia law and the LGPS Paper C

7. Code of Transparency Compliance Update Paper D (Confidential sent by email)

8. Michael Lynk Letter Update

9. RIAG Chair’s Report Paper E

10. DLUHC Regulatory update, including TCFD reporting

11. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 15th November 2021 meeting - Paper A (revised after meeting)

4. Exit Cap and McCloud Update

5. SAB Cost Management Policy Paper - Paper B

6. Compliance and Reporting Committee Update

7. 2019 Section 13 Report - Paper C

8. Pension Fund Annual Report Update

9. DLUHC Regulatory Update

10. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1.00pm

The meeting will take place at 11.00am via video conference call. The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 20th September and 29th October meetings Paper A

4. New Compliance and Reporting Committee Paper B

5.COP26 Update

6. Cost Transparency Compliance update Paper C (confidential will be sent by email)

7. Roadmap to Sustainable Investing Paper D

8. Consultations update

9. DLUHC Regulatory update, including TCFD reporting

10. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1pm

Hybrid meeting via MS Teams and Beecham Room, 18 Smith Square, Westminster, London SW1P 3HZ commencing at 11am. The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 13th September and 29th October meeting Paper A

4. Exit Cap and McCloud Update

5. Cost Control 2016 and 2020 Paper B

6. Compliance and Reporting Committee Paper C

7. 2022 triennial fund valuations

8. MHCLG Regulatory Update

9. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 1.30pm

The meeting will take place at 11.00am via video conference call. The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 19th July meeting Paper A

4. RIAG – Chair’s report Paper B

5.CIPFA Pensions Panel Closure

6. Consultations Update

7. Code of Transparency Consultation Update Paper C

8. Cost Transparency/Compliance update Paper D (confidential will be sent by email)

9. MHCLG Regulatory update, including TCFD reporting

10. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 12.30pm

The meeting wil take place at 1.30pm via video conference call. The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 12th July meeting Paper A

4. Exit Cap and McCloud Update

5. 2016 cost control mechanism and SAB cost management update Paper B (confidential)

6. HMT cost control consultation response Paper C

7. Pensions Dashboard update Paper D

8. 2022 triennial fund valuations

9. MHCLG Regulatory Update

10. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 3.30pm

The meeting will take place at 11.00am via video conference call. The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 19th April meeting Paper A

4. RIAG – Chair’s report Paper B

5. Consultations Paper C

6. Cost Transparency/Compliance update Paper D 

7. Good Governance Project verbal update

8. MHCLG Regulatory update, including TCFD reporting

9. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 12.30pm

The meeting wil take place at 11.00am via video conference call. The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 12th April meeting Paper A

4. 95K Cap and McCloud Update

5. 2016 cost cap valuation update Paper B (confidential)

6. HMT consultation on cost cap arrangement Paper C (confidential)

7. MHCLG Regulatory Update

9. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 12.30pm

The meeting wil take place at 11.00am via video conference call. The Agenda is as follows;

1. Welcome, introductions, apologies and declaration of interests

2. Meeting protocol

3. Actions and Agreements from 18th January meeting Paper A

4. RIAG – Chair’s report Paper B

5. Consultations Paper C

6. Cost Transparency/Compliance update Paper D - confidential and circulated directly to committee members

7. Good Governance Project verbal update

8. MHCLG Regulatory update, including TCFD reporting

9. AOB and Date of next meeting

The meeting is due to finish at 12.30pm

Meeting venue is video conference call

Agenda 12 April 2021 (PDF, 1 page, 130kb)

Item 3 Paper A Actions and Agreements of 11 January 2021 (PDF, 11 pages, 230kb)

Item 5 Paper B 2016 Cost Cap Valuation (PDF, 6 pages, 127kb)

Meeting venue is video conference call

Agenda - 18th January 2021 (PDF, 1 page, 128kb)

Item 3 Paper A Actions and agreements 12th October 2020 (PDF, 6 pages, 159kb)

Item 4 Paper B - Corporate Actions (PDF, 1 page, 112kb)

Item 4 Paper B - Corporate Actions - Annex 1 (PDF, 14 pages, 497kb)

Item 5 Paper C - Responsible Investment update - Draft (PDF, 3 pages, 120kb)

Meeting venue is video conference call

Agenda 11 January 2021 (PDF, 1 page, 130kb)

Item 3 Paper A Actions and Agreements of 5 October 2021 (PDF, 6 pages, 127kb)

Item 8 Paper E External Audit and the Redmond Report (PDF, 2 pages, 111kb)

Meeting venue is video conference call

Agenda - 12th October 2020 (PDF, 1 page, 98kb)

Item 2 Paper A Actions and agreements 13th July 2020 (PDF, 5 pages, 150kb)

Item 3 Paper B - Responsible Investment Update (PDF, 3 pages, 131kb)

Item 4 Paper C - TFCD Reporting Update (PDF, 2 pages, 112kb)

Meeting venue is video conference call

Agenda 5 October 2020 (PDF, 1 page, 130kb)

Item 3 Paper A Actions and Agreements of 8 June 2020 (PDF, 7 pages, 129kb)

Item 5 Paper B Covid-19 Practitioners Group Update (PDF, 2 page, 121kb)

Item 10 Paper C Local Pension Board Indemnity (PDF, 2 page, 103kb)

Meeting venue is video conference call

Agenda - 13th July 2020 (PDF, 1 page, 100kb)

Item 2 Paper A Actions and agreements 13 January 2020 (PDF, 3 pages, 60kb)

Item 3 Paper B Supreme Court Judgement - update (PDF, 3 pages, 168kb)

Item 4 Paper C Responsible Investment Guidance - update (PDF, 4 pages, 210kb)

Item 4 Paper D Cost Transparency (PDF, 3 pages, 184kb)

Meeting venue is video conference call

Agenda 8 June 2020 (PDF, 1 page, 130kb)

Item 3 Paper A Actions 6 January 2020 (PDF, 5 pages, 120kb)

Item 4 Paper B Item 4 Paper B Covid-19 Support to authorities (PDF, 2 pages, 136kb)

Item 5 Paper C Covid-19 Practitioners Group (PDF, 3 pages, 77kb)

Room 1&2, Local Government Association, 18 Smith Square, Westminster, London, SW1P 3HZ

All papers - 3rd June2019 (PDF, 9 pages, 303kb)

AGENDA - 3rd June 2019 (PDF, 1 page, 237kb)

Actions 5th February 2019 (PDF, 3 pages, 135kb)

Item 7 Paper B Local Pension Board Survey II (PDF, 6 pages, 151kb)

Item 8 Paper C Forfeiture Regulations (PDF, 12 pages, 456kb)

Item 8a Paper D Refund of Contributions (PDF, 7 pages, 248kb)

St John's Room, Local Government Association, 18 Smith Square, Westminster, London, SW1P 3HZ

All papers - 5th February 2019 (PDF, 9 pages, 303kb)

AGENDA - 5th February 2019 (PDF, 1 page, 237kb)

Actions 30th August 2018 (PDF, 3 pages, 135kb)

Note on Late Retirement Factors (PDF, 2 pages, 76kb)

LGPS EW Late Retirement Proposal 2018 Oct 16 (PDF, 3 pages, 155kb)

Meeting papers - 24th May 2018 (PDF, 16 pages, 341kb)

Eaton-Cockell Room, Local Government Association, 18 Smith Square, Westminster, London, SW1P 3HZ

AGENDA - 24th May 2018 (PDF, 1 page, 236kb)

Actions 29th January 2018 (PDF, 5 pages, 237kb)

50 50 Awareness project (PDF, 6 pages, 337kb)

Equality cases (PDF, 4 pages, 187kb)

Cockell Room, Local Government Association, 18 Smith Square, Westminster, London, SW1P 3HZ

Meeting papers - 5th February 2018 (PDF, 19 pages, 1,050kb)

AGENDA - 5th February 2018 (PDF, 2 pages, 162kb)

ITEM 3 - Paper A - Actions 16th October 20170 (PDF, 4 pages, 139kb)

ITEM 4 - Paper B Cross Pool Information Forum Consultation (PDF, 9 pages, 478kb)

ITEM 10 - Paper C Responsible Investment update (PDF, 4 pages, 223kb)


Meeting papers - 7th November 2017 (PDF, 41 pages, 1,823kb)

Cockell Room, Local Government Association, 18 Smith Square, Westminster, London, SW1P 3HZ

AGENDA - 7th November 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 235kb)

ITEM 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

ITEM 2 - Matters arising (PDF, 4 pages, 138kb)

ITEM 3 - Scheme Advisory Board Cost Management Process - GAD update (PDF, 5 pages, 313kb)

ITEM 4 - 50 : 50 Update (PDF, 5 pages, 392kb)

ITEM 5 - Ill health retirement group - Update

ITEM 6 - Late retirement factors - Update (PDF, 7 pages, 599kb)

ITEM 7 - 2016/17 SF3 statistical return (PDF 17 pages, 470kb)

ITEM 8 - Single stage IDRP (PDF 2 pages 289kb)

ITEM 9 - Academies/3rd tier employer projects - Update

ITEM 10 - Any other business

ITEM 11 - Date of next meeting

Barnett Waddingham Cheapside House, 138 Cheapside, London EC2V 6BW

AGENDA - 16th Oct 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 234kb)

ITEM 1 - Introductions and apologies

ITEM 2 - Actions and agreements from meeting of 26th July (Paper A) (PDF, 4 pages, 140kb)

ITEM 3 - MiFID II Update

ITEM 4 - Pooling investments - Cross Pool Forum consultation (Paper B) (PDF, 7 pages, 467kb)

ITEM 5 - Cost Transparency- Update (Paper C) (PDF, 9 pages, 334kb)

ITEM 6 - FCA Market Study – Update

ITEM 7 - Local Pension Board survey - (Paper D) (PDF, 5 pages, 84kb)

ITEM 8 - Responsible Investment Guidance - Update

ITEM 9 - IORP – Update


ITEM 11 - Date of next meetings

UNISON, 130 Euston Rd, Kings Cross, London NW1 2AY

AGENDA - 26th July 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 298kb)

ITEM 1 - Introductions and apologies

ITEM 2 - Matters arising (PDF, 3 pages, 133kb)

ITEM 3 - MIFID II - Update (PDF, 5 pages, 216kb)

ITEM 4 - Pooling investments – Cross Pool Forum consultation

ITEM 5 - Cost transparency – Update

ITEM 6 - Responsible Investment Guidance - Update

ITEM 7 - Local Pension Board survey – Update

ITEM 9 - FCA Market Study – Update

ITEM 9 - DCLG statutory guidance - Judicial review (PDF, 1 page, 122kb)


ITEM 11 - Date of next meetings

PIRC, Exchange Tower, 8th Floor, Suite 8.02, 2 Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9GE

AGENDA - 25th May 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 237kb)

ITEM 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

ITEM 2 - Matters arising (PDF, 4 pages, 137kb)

ITEM 3 - MIFID II - Update

ITEM 4 - Pooling investments – Update

ITEM 5 - Cost transparency – Update

ITEM 6 - Responsible Investment Guidance (PDF, 8 pages, 172kb)

ITEM 7 - Local Pension Board survey – Update

ITEM 8 - Governance and Administration Survey (PDF, 1 page, 62kb)

ITEM 9 - Responsible Investment - Climate risk (PDF, 3 pages, 88kb)


ITEM 11 - Date of next meetings

Rooms D&E, Layden House, 76-86 Turnmill Street, London EC1M 5LG

AGENDA - 18th May 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 232kb)

ITEM 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

ITEM 2 - Matters arising (PDF, 4 pages, 167kb)

ITEM 3 - Scheme Advisory Board Cost Management Process - GAD update

ITEM 4 - 50 : 50 Survey (PDF, 2 pages, 197kb)

ITEM 5 - Ill health retirement working group (PDF, 14 pages, 836kb)

ITEM 6 - Late Retirement factors (PDF, 4 pages, 266kb)

ITEM 7 - Impact of Purdah

ITEM 8 - Any other business

ITEM 9 - Date of next meeting

Rooms D and E, Layden House, 76-86 Turnmill Street, London EC1M 5LG

AGENDA - 21st March 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 377kb)

ITEM 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

ITEM 2 - Matters arising (PDF, 4 pages, 141kb)

ITEM 6 - Asset Management Market Study (PDF, 3 pages, 148kb)

ITEM 7 - Transparent Investment fees (PDF, 6 pages, 692kb)

ITEM 8 - Local Pension Boards survey (PDF, 3 pages, 88kb)

Room F2, Layden House, 76-86 Turnmill Street, London EC1M 5LG

AGENDA - 28th February 2017 (PDF, 1 page, 233kb)

ITEM 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

ITEM 2 - Matters arising

ITEM 3 - Scheme Advisory Board Cost Management Process

ITEM 4 - Exit payments (PDF, 3 pages, 252kb)

ITEM 5 - Removal of ill health third tier (PDF, 1 page, 189kb)

ITEM 6 - Options for a central Independent Registered medical Practitioner (IRMP) (PDF, 4 pages, 229kb)

ITEM 7 - Contribution yields and Bandings

ITEM 8 - Any other business

ITEM 9 - Date of next meeting

Meeting pack (PDF, 28 pages, 756kb)

Rooms D and E, Layden House, 76-86 Turnmill Street, London EC1M 5LG

AGENDA - 5th December 2016 (PDF, 1 page, 375kb)

ITEM 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

ITEM 2 - Outstanding issues (PDF, 3 pages, 197kb)

ITEM 3 - Terms of Reference


ITEM 4 - Pooling investments (verbal update)

ITEM 5 - MIFID II – Update (PDF, 3 pages, 197kb)

ITEM 6 - Investment regulations and guidance – Update (PDF, 5 pages, 147kb)

ITEM 7 - Transparent investment fees – Update


ITEM 8 - Call for evidence on social investment – Update (PDF, 2 pages, 192kb)


ITEM 10 - Date of next meeting

Rooms A and B, Layden House, 76-86 Turnmill Street, London EC1M 5LG

AGENDA - 1 November 2016 (PDF, 1 page, 224kb)

ITEM 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

ITEM 2 - Terms of reference (for information) (PDF, 6 pages, 218kb)

ITEM 3 - Issues outstanding from Shadow Board predecessor committees:


ITEM 4 - Contribution yields (verbal report)

ITEM 5 - Scheme Advisory Board Cost Management Process (PDF, 23 pages, 565kb)


ITEM 7 - Date of next meeting